
国外家庭教育信息 & 朋友

获得国际经验是教育的重要和宝贵的组成部分 and professional development in today's globalized world. 海外教育经历 provides great opportunities for students to:

  • 了解世界
  • Gain new personal and academic perspectives
  • Obtain skills applicable for the global workforce

因此,出国留学往往是一个人一生中最有意义的经历之一 life because of the amount of personal growth that results. 作为父母或监护人 对于一个出国留学的学生来说,你可以帮助他们最大限度地提高整体体验 你的孩子.


格里利,CO 80639

电话: 970-351-2396

电子邮件: abroad@shanemichaelmurray.com



皇冠app官方版下载海外教育办公室致力于支持我们的学生,因为他们积极承担 responsibility for their study abroad journeys. 请鼓励和支持你的 student and empower them to be proactive in their own study abroad experiences. 有 在你的学生开始他们的留学之旅之前,有很多事情要考虑, 皇冠app官方版下载留学办公室鼓励学生在入学前、入学期间提出问题 and after their experiences away from campus. 当你的孩子表现出兴趣时 国外的教育, have them stop by our office in the University Center.


有很多 皇冠app官方版下载批准的课程 选择…. Your student must determine which program best suits their needs and 个性. Encourage your student to seek the answers to questions on their own and know that our office is here to support them and you.

Remember, UNC offers programs that vary in length. 有一些节目很短 有两周,也有一年 .


留学教育处 尽一切努力确保这一点 students who identify as having a disability 可以参加留学项目吗. We cannot guarantee that facilities and/or 支持服务将在国外的每个地点以相同的范围和质量提供 比如在皇冠app官方版下载校园里.  We cannot alter architecture, transportation, or laws in 其他 国家. However, we encourage students with disabilities to meet with our staff to discuss accommodation needs and identify appropriate sites.


不同的 项目费用和支付方式 apply for various programs offered by UNC. For most programs, federal financial aid can be applied to any UNC-approved 国外的教育 program. 奖学金也可以 be applied to many education abroad experiences. 

The costs of all program excludes spending money. 一定要把汇率考虑在内 考虑. 


向所有航空公司查询所携带行李的数量和重量限额 行李以及随身行李和托运行李的安全限制. Here are some tips for packing successfully:

  • 轻装! It's difficult to carry luggage through airports, train stations etc. 所以只带必需品. 
  • Buy toiletries and 其他 items (like hairdryers) in 其他 国家. 
  • 带上带有UNC或家乡州标志的独特物品,作为分享你的文化或分享的方式 作为给新朋友的礼物. 
  • Don't pack each suitcase as full as possible - leave room for souvenirs! 



为卫生保健做计划和准备是必不可少的,而卫生保健有些不同 比在美国要多. Many personal insurance carriers will only cover a portion of costs “out of network” and may not cover international medical costs at all.

皇冠app官方版下载要求注册9个或更多学时的学生有健康保险 而且每个出国留学的人都需要有留学健康保险.

  • 如果你的学生在暑假期间参加一个由教师主导的项目,他们是 需要购买我们的GEO Blue国际健康保险,费率大约为 $34/month, which will be billed directly to their 学生账户.
  • 通过北卡大学交换项目出国留学的学生(不包括ISEP或附属机构) 提供者方案)将被要求购买国际健康保险,其中 会不会加到他们的 学生账户.
  • ISEP和我们的其他联盟提供商(API, ISA, AIFS等)收取自己的费用 国际健康保险和费用将包括在项目中 价格或直接支付给学生.

请注意,在国外接受治疗时,您的儿子很可能 或者女儿可能需要在服务时全额支付,通常是现金.  当你向保险公司寻求这种治疗的报销时,它是 重要的是,您的孩子确保翻译,分项收据和/或描述 of the treatment they received, so that they can complete a claim form.

一些国家,如澳大利亚、加拿大、古巴、丹麦、埃及、以色列、意大利等 在其他国家中,新西兰有全民医疗保健,可能会向你的学生收取费用 医疗费.  Please keep in mind that UNC has no control over individual country 政策.  However, UNC requires you to purchase additional coverage even if you are 在这些国家学习作为国家政策很少包括所有需要的覆盖范围 外国人 . 


You will want to work with your student on how to manage emergency communication. Each student is requested to provide their emergency contact information to the 全球参与办公室 在 北卡大学海外教育申请.

此外,每个留学项目都有一个人或办公室在现场负责 for your student's welfare 当他们在国外的时候. 让你的儿子或女儿提供 给你这个联系方式.


学生可以购买学费保险来支付他们的费用,以防他们必须退学 来自他们的留学项目. The 北科罗拉多大学 has partnered 与安联全球援助合作,提供学费保险,并提供报销 如果受保学生需要离校,学费将不予退还 school before the end of the term for a covered reason. 学费保险完全 可选的,你签订的协议是与安联全球援助公司签订的,而不是 与皇冠app官方版下载.

For more information, visit the Bursar's Office website on 学费保险.


在国外的时候,别忘了你可以也应该保持联系 with your friends, family, and 其他s in the United States.



  • 信使
  • 脸谱网 messenger
  • Skype
  • 应用程序是什么

Skype and some 其他 online services offer online U.S.基于连接的电话号码 到你的电脑. This is a convenient option for family and friends to call overseas but without the expense of international fees.

You can also buy international phone cards online and save money. 不建议这样做 你用你的U.S. cell phone calling plan abroad, as it can be very expensive. 尽管你的手机可以打国际电话,但话费可能会变化 不要超过3美元.00 /分钟.

Additionally, text messages are typically charged at $1.每条信息00美元. 你的标准 calling plan does not include international calling or texting; however, you can add 这个服务. It may be something to look into with your student's phone providers.


如果你的孩子是美国人.S. cell phone uses a SIM card, it is possible to use the current 有本地SIM卡的手机. This is generally a cheaper option, as you don't 有再买一部手机的费用吗.

If you choose this option, make sure to 'unlock' your U.S. 打电话给你的供应商 在你离开美国之前.S., or the new SIM card will not work in the phone. iPhone 5为国际服务解锁,所以您可以添加国际 为您的计划服务.

Otherwise, it is very easy to purchase a cell phone abroad. 大多数移动电话供应商 国外提供现收现付的选择,这在国外很常用——没有合同 是必需的. Cell phone prices range from very cheap to quite expensive, just as they 在美国做什么.S. (约. $40-$500).


Almost all students experience some degree of 国外的文化冲击. 新的文化、食物、音乐、语言等可能会令人兴奋、恐惧和难以抗拒 为了你的孩子. All the new things and lack of the familiar can cause anxiety, which 叫做文化冲击.

文化冲击可以分为四个阶段,你的孩子会经历不同的阶段 degrees and many times, not is the same order. 熟悉这些阶段 will help you understand what 你的孩子 is dealing with.

学生更有可能在这段时间给家人或朋友打电话或发电子邮件 of low morale rather than when things are going well. 支持你的学生 这些阶段 当他们在国外的时候.


There are four main stages of adjustment when your student returns home: 



当第一次到达一个新的文化时,差异是有趣的,你可能会感到兴奋, 受到刺激,非常好奇.






充分利用你在东道主文化中剩下的时间,你就会开始感觉到 就像第二个家. 一个舒适的水平将开始出现. 



这个阶段可能会有所不同,但可能会感到回家的兴奋 also understanding the aspect of leaving your new home behind.


当你的学生准备离开时,确保你有一份他们的行程表. Airline websites often offer tools to track the flights. 抵达后,学生可以 不能立即打电话或发电子邮件回家,因为他们可能会受到该计划的欢迎 代表,在他们的住宿,或可能无法访问互联网或一个 马上打电话. Most students are able to stay in close contact throughout the program, however, certain locations may make this more challenging. 我们鼓励你和你的 学生研究最实惠和可靠的方式保持联系 其他. 学生 are 100% responsible for making their individual travel arrangements to and from their destination, as well as while abroad.  下面是一些不错的网站 to begin a search, but there are of course many more options:


与美国不同,大多数大型国际城市都有强大的基础设施 公共交通.  This includes metros, trams, trolley cars, buses, and taxis.  These are usually affordable and highly reliable with set timetables.  最有可能的 你的学生从一个地方走到另一个地方要比他们走路要多得多 美国.  Getting around within most 国家 or international travel while abroad can be done easily by train, bus, or cheap airfares.  我们非常不鼓励学生 from renting or driving cars while abroad.


大多数出国留学的学生都有很多想要分享和传达的故事 他们的经历对他们来说意味着什么. It will help you to reconnect by encouraging your student to talk about the study abroad experience and help them process it. 一些 学生们会把他们的回归当作回家,而其他人则会把家当作回家 对他们来说,新陌生是因为他们正在通过新体验熟悉 调整后的眼睛. Facilitating the re-entry process will help your student integrate the cross-cultural experience into their overall life.