

UNC has a national reputation for excellence in 体育与运动科学 education, offering superior preparation for careers related to health, physical fitness, rehabilitation K-12体育教育. 有了广泛的知识基础,你就有能力 与不同健康状况和年龄的人一起工作. UNC的运动和锻炼 faculty possess an exceptionally wide range of clinical experience and expertise, enabling you to specialize in a niche that supports your academic and career goals. 

At UNC, you’ll attend small classes that ensure plenty of interaction and strong relationships 与教师. You’ll also gain hundreds of hours of practical, hands-on training, developing skills and experience that strengthen your resume for jobs and graduate 学校的位置. 我们有优秀的校友和成就的悠久传统. 成为它的一部分,让你的职业生涯有一个健康的开始.


B.S. in 体育与运动科学, Exercise Science Concentration

Choose this option if you’re interested in a career in medicine, physical or occupational 治疗,运动领导及相关领域. 你将专注于科学研究 of human movement, with coursework in biomechanics, kinesiology, exercise 生理学, 人体解剖学和化学. 选修课使你获得…方面的专业知识 subjects such as cardiac rehabilitation, exercise therapy for cancer patients and 力量和调节.




UNC 体育与运动科学 alumni have an outstanding record of success in the 就业市场. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects above-average job growth between now and 2024 for exercise science professionals in all career categories. 你会发现 an appealing variety of opportunities to work with diverse populations in schools, health care facilities, corporate fitness centers, rehab clinics, recreation departments 还有很多其他的就业环境.


  • 担任体育教师
  • Start a career in physical or occupational therapy, fitness training or a related field
  • 提倡健康的生活方式
  • Get a versatile degree that offers a wide range of career options


  • 运动、力量和身体调节的科学
  • 如何教学、沟通和激励
  • 运动的治疗应用
  • 解剖学和生理学


  • 生物力学
  • 运动生理学
  • 解剖人体运动学
  • 社会对运动和运动行为的影响



At UNC, a student finds a perfect fit between his love for exercise and his goals 帮助别人. 贾斯汀Layden was starting his senior year at UNC as a Sport and Exercise Science major when he took an elective class—Exercise Programming for Cancer Patients. 他的教授,博士. 罗伯特·布鲁斯塔德知道贾斯汀喜欢帮助别人 并告诉他这是一门他可能会喜欢的课. 

Justin’s hands-on experience at the Rocky Mountain Cancer Rehabilitation Institute ended up inspiring him to shape his career path to focus on cancer rehab. 他赢得了 his bachelor’s degree in 2012, and has started working on his Master’s in Exercise 生理学.


At UNC you’ll have the opportunity to gain experience at the UNC Cancer Rehabilitation Institute, a pioneering leader in the application of exercise science to promote recovery 在癌症患者中. You’ll also have the chance to work with elite athletes in our NCAA一级体育项目. 有更多的实习机会 in a wide range of professional workplaces, including fitness centers, schools, hospitals, clinics, medical offices, assisted living facilities and PT/OT firms. 体育教育 concentration includes a one-semester student-teaching assignment. 不管是哪一种 emphasis area you choose, you’ll get real-world experience in sports and exercise science.


  • K-12体育教师
  • 物理或职业治疗师
  • 企业健身总监
  • 心脏或癌症康复专家
  • 老年健身教练


Relationship Between Physical Activity and Learning Conference

With a growing body of literature that connects physical activity to learning outcomes, K-12 schools are incorporating more movement programs into their daily schedules. Nearby elementary schools Mead and Red Hawk have both introduced new programs designed to increase the physical activity of students throughout the day.

These schools were recently the emphasis of a Speaker Series hosted by the University of Northern Colorado addressing how schools can support the development of healthy 几代学生. The conference featured discussions of research and practices from local and national experts, including the executive director of Let's Move! Active Schools, which is part of First Lady Michelle Obama's campaign. 

Dr. Russell Carson, an Associate Professor of 体育与运动科学 at UNC, specializes in this field of research and says that physical inactivity has become a pandemic. He cites adolescent obesity rates in the United States quadrupling since 1980, with fewer than 10 percent of adolescents meeting the daily recommendation of 60 minutes 每天的体力活动. 卡森说:“久坐主义现在是一个词. “不活动 与美国更多的死亡事件有关.S. 比吸烟." 

With leaders like Carson and others in the College of Natural and Health Sciences, UNC will continue to pursue research and other initiatives to address this important challenge, including a new online Master of Arts in teaching degree that is one of the first in the nation to prepare educators to assume the role of physical activity 学校领导.



Groundbreaking UNC research melds scientific lab work with real-world clinic to reveal 运动对癌症患者的好处. 

Sitting in a small, instrument-packed lab in Ross Hall is a squat, benign-looking 装有液氮的灰色罐体. 它还含有一系列的癌细胞 来自不同的线路. But this is one instance where cancer cells are helping make cancer 患者生活更美好.



皇冠app官方版下载癌症康复研究所所长里德·海沃德说, Ph.D.

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