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缓刑的支持 for 学生


留校察看是你毕业路上的一个障碍,你在皇冠app官方版下载得到了支持 to get back on track. Academic probation means your cumulative GPA is below 2.0, you are on a warning until you raise it. You have 24 probation credits to return to Good Academic Standing. 这24个学分从你获得学术见习后的第一学期开始 请注意. 我们将你在秋季完成的任何课程计算为标准字母成绩(a - f), Interim, Spring, or Summer session.

如果你被留校察看,并且你的累积GPA没有提高到2分.0或更高 在北卡大学修完24个学时后,你将被停学. 你也会 suspended if your GPA falls (or stays) below 1.0 while on probation.

A 保持状态 在您的帐户上,这阻止了下一个学期的注册. 你的导师或 成功教练会在你与他们见面并完成你的要求后为你松手.

Read through your options and steps. And the best thing to do is contact your 顾问 or probation@shanemichaelmurray.com 支持.

Download Self-Support Tools to Raise your GPA

  • Academic Success Workshops

    We offer an Academic Success Workshop hosted on the 皇冠app官方版下载的成功 Canvas Course about the policy and academic success tools. This  takes about 30-minutes to complete. 如果你是在试用期的第一学期,你将被分配到车间作为 a "quiz" on the 皇冠app官方版下载的成功 Canvas course. Your 顾问 cannot remove your 登记持有 until you complete the workshop. If you are on a continuing semester of probation, 你不需要完成的研讨会,但欢迎更多的,只是电子邮件 probation@shanemichaelmurray.com to be added to the workshop.  

    你应该安排你的缓刑支持定期检查,因为谈话 和一个知道你的目标的人在一起可以帮助你获得动力、解决问题和责任感.

  • 全新的开始

    一些学生发现在社区大学上课或只隔几年 helps them come back to UNC stronger.

    新学期成绩为“C-”,“D+”,“D”,“D-”或“F”(第一学期除外) 修读课程)将保留在成绩单上,但不再用于计算 北卡大学GPA. These courses will no longer count for graduation,要么. 这些课程为你提供了一个全新的开始,这意味着你可能需要重新上课 to fill your LAC, major, or minor requirements.

    应用 for 全新的开始

    如果一个新的开始对你的毕业计划有意义,和你的指导老师谈谈 the program options:

    全新的开始 for Freshman

    “新生重新开始”适用于完成课程少于 30学分 在皇冠app官方版下载毕业,累积GPA不超过2分.0. An eligible student 必须:

    •  Enroll at another institution.
      • 完成至少24个可转移学分与2.5 minimum grade point average (based on a 4.0 scale or an equivalent score on a different scale). 你必须 complete these credits before returning to UNC.
      • 其他院校的“C-”或以上成绩有资格转学到北卡大学.
      • 在其他机构获得的成绩不影响皇冠app官方版下载的GPA: GPA不会转移.
      • 您必须将正式成绩单发送到UNC注册办公室进行评估.
    • 回到皇冠app官方版下载后,在一个学期内完成至少12个学分 first semester back to UNC, with a minimum GPA of 2.50.

    全新的开始 for Returning 学生

    “返校学生重新开始”是为有以下经历的学生准备的 not attended UNC for a minimum of three years, and who have earned 成绩 of "C-" or lower. 

    要符合资格,最近的UNC成绩必须是三个或更多日历年 than the last completed semester 在UNC.

    例如,2019年春季及之前入学的学生将有资格获得Fresh Start after completion of spring 2022. You could take classes starting in fall 2022.

    Additional Information

    • 如果你打算转学,要知道很多学校会重新计算 学生的平均绩点,以说明在以前的机构所修的所有课程.
    • 转学学分将按照正常的录取标准被接受.
    • 如果学生被停学,“新开始”保证重新被皇冠app官方版下载录取 一次. A readmission appeal is not required.
    • 被北卡大学停学两次的学生不符合资格 全新的开始. 第二次休学是永久休学 在UNC.
    • 一旦“重新开始”申请到学业记录上,它就不能被删除.
    • “重新开始”的规则只适用于学生的成绩单一次.
  • Readmission to UNC

    休学满一个学期后,才有资格重新入学. 你做 不需要填写完整的申请(就像你第一次申请皇冠app官方版下载一样). Instead, you will complete a 重新接纳的吸引力.

    你的重新入学申请是由我们的学术审查委员会考虑的,看起来 在几个方面:

    1. 你的上诉信. 具体说明在你被停职之前发生了什么以及如何做的 things will be different if you are readmitted.
    2. Your Academic Record. 如果你在另一所大学上过课,请附上成绩单 show the committee how your 成绩 have changed. 转移 成绩 won't change your UNC GPA,但他们会显示你现在通过了课程.
    3. 其他文件. 包括推荐信,医疗情况等 这些文件可以帮助委员会了解过去发生了什么,以及现在有什么不同.

    Appeal for Readmission

  • 悬挂上诉


    1. Your cumulative GPA is below 2.试用24学时后0分(约2个学期). 
    2. Your cumulative GPA is below a 1.0 while on probation.

    A 2.0 is a "C" average across all your classes while a 1.0 is a "D" average. 

    Facing suspension may feel overwhelming. Follow three steps:

    • Check BearMail the Monday after final 成绩 are due. You will have a letter from the Registrar if you are suspended.
      • May 13th for Spring 2024
    • Appeal your Suspension 截止日期前. 你的申请将提交给我们的学术审查委员会,他们会进行审查 at your letter, record, and other documents. If approved, you will have another semester to get your 成绩 up.
      • May 24th for Spring 2024

    A second academic suspension is permanent.

    Appeal your Suspension

Find your 缓刑的支持 by College

College of Education and Behavioral Sciences

联系 梅丽莎Lea 或电子邮件 cebsadvising@shanemichaelmurray.com Call: 970-351-3617

College of Humanities and Social Sciences

联系 卡蕾Oplt or 高速钢.studentsuccess@shanemichaelmurray.com 电话:970-351-3140

Monfort College of Business

联系 the MCB Success Center at MCB.建议@shanemichaelmurray.com  Call:  970-351-1233

College of Natural and Health Sciences

联系 the NHS 建议 Center at nhsadvising@shanemichaelmurray.com Call: 970-351-3082

College of Performing and Visual 艺术

联系 the PVA 建议 Center at pva.advising@shanemichaelmurray.com Call: 970-351-2993


联系 the Soar Office at Soar@shanemichaelmurray.com or Call: 970-351-1391

Deadlines and Forms

我们的截止日期是“硬”的意思是没有回旋的余地,所以请提前计划 你的提交. 你可以现在就在手机上设一个闹钟,设定为24小时 在真正的截止日期之前提醒自己提交材料.




如果您计划在秋季学期之后返回皇冠app官方版下载,请使用此表格和截止日期 being suspended and unenrolled for 1+ semester. The committee makes decisions the first Friday of each month.

Hard Deadline for Fall 2024 Semester: Friday, August 2nd.

Appeal your Readmission

Friday, May 24th at 11:59 pm

悬挂上诉 from Spring 2024

如果你在暑假期间收到休学通知,请使用此表格和截止日期 成绩.

Appeal your Suspension

You will receive a decision on Friday, May 31st.

Resources and Support

Life happens, and adjusting to college is challenging. Use the free resources and 校园支持,帮助你设定和实现你的学术目标. 

  • 检查 Academic Standing Policy. 写下三个问题问你的顾问或成功教练.
  • 找到 academic probation support person 为了你的大学. Reach out to them before you log off the computer today.
  • 在整个学期中安排定期的对话,以提高成功率. 我们的 统计数据显示,你与你的缓刑支持人员见面越多,就越高 your cumulative GPA will rise! Your first meeting should be within the first four 每学期的几个星期——寻求帮助永远不会太晚.
  • Complete the self-paced Academic Success Workshop through Canvas为班级确定校园资源,澄清有关问题 Academic Standing Policy, and calculate a GPA target for the semester.
  • If you are writing a suspension appeal, visit the 写作中心 
  • And make a plan to use the academic success resources.